Religious Education

At Ash Grove, we follow the Programme of Study for Religious Education as suggested in the Wakefield Agreed Syllabus. This has a scheme of work which reflects the outcomes of all Key Stages, from EYFS up to Year 6. During each Key Stage, our children learn skills, knowledge and understand about different religions. These include, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism. We learn about these religions and how their followers live through three key questions: Believing, Expressing and Living.

Whilst also learning about different religions, our children at Ash Grove also have the opportunity to reflect on where they come from and what their beliefs are, a key skill in growing as a person. We believe, that by learning about other communities and religions, our children will be well equipped with the knowledge that whilst everyone is different, there are many things about us that make us the same. This enables them to build upon our core values, especially respect and tolerance of those around them.

“We may have different religions, different languages different coloured skin, but we all belong to one human race,” – Kofi Annan.

“The essence of all religions is one. Only their approaches are different,” – Mahatma Ghandi.