
At Ash Grove we understand the importance of English in all aspects of education and in society. All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society; children who learn to speak, read and write fluently and confidently are at an advantage when continuing their education and further beyond into the workplace.
We intend for our children to be super communicators; attentive listeners, confident speakers, fluent readers, and grammatically accurate writers.
Our English curriculum offers a wide variety of opportunities to explore and practice spoken language, this teaches pupils to speak fluently, which is then transferred into written work across a range of subjects enabling communication of thoughts, ideas and emotions. At the heart of this curriculum are high quality books. These are taken from the Power of Reading and form the foundations of our writing lessons. Alongside this, key writing skills are taught and recapped daily to ensure children can write grammatically accurate pieces of work. We use Twinkl spelling and follow this progressive, structured scheme to teach spellings in KS2. In KS1, spelling is based upon the Read Write Inc phonics programme.
Opportunities for writing across the curriculum allow our children to write for a range of audiences and purposes throughout the school year.